Get Out While You Still Can!


Thanks to Shannon at Cinnaholic for sharing this interesting article.

The author appears to be anonymous. Comments cannot be posted. The blog itself appears to have been created for the sole purpose of publishing this one article. So what does it have to say that's so top secret? Well, it's anti-American propaganda, in truth. And Big Brother doesn't like it.

The information line in the blog reads "Posted in Truth by lancefreeman76 on April 5, 2010." Even if the article can be traced back to the man behind lancefreeman76, perhaps he felt comfortable posting this article because he's already fled the country.

This is America. Where we technically have freedom of speech and are allowed to critique our government. But as "America: The Grim Truth" points out:

"America is actually among the least free countries on earth. Your piss is tested, your emails and phone calls are monitored, your medical records are gathered, and you are never more than one stray comment away from writhing on the ground with two Taser prongs in your ass."

True story. And even truer in the post-911 age of The Patriot Act and the idea that all is fare in the name of anti-terrorism. If you believe your freedom is being taken away in the name of protecting you from terrorism, consider this:

"If you think this is just to protect you from “terrorists,” then you’re sadly mistaken. Once the shit really hits the fan, do you really think you’ll just be able to jump into the old station wagon, drive across the Canadian border and spend the rest of your days fishing and drinking Molson? No, the government is going to lock the place down. They don’t want their tax base escaping. They don’t want their “recruits” escaping. They don’t want YOU escaping."

What is so awful about America, anyway? Why would you want to escape? According to the article, the list of problems with America includes the fact that we're the only country without a single payer health care system, that hospital facilities and quality of doctors is actually much better in many other developed countries, that our diet and medicine regime is poised to destroy us, that we lack both the salaries and the days off necessary to take real vacations, that our system is designed to enslave us with work and debt, and that our notions of freedom and our ability to improve our country are fallacies perpetuated, like all else, by the military-industrial complex-controlled media.

I have to say, the author makes a pretty good case for our country spinning out of control. He then goes on to paint some pretty bleak scenarios of what happens when the country is done for, especially if you wait until that point to get out.

At the end of the day, this article is propaganda in the same way the propaganda it is speaking out against is propaganda. And as with all propaganda, the question is, what is the truth underneath it, what do you believe, and how will you act in response.

I, for one, am not a fan of fearmongering. I believe our government and controlling corporations use fearmongering media to push their agendas. And so I hate to see a stance that is in line with my beliefs also using fearmongering tactics to get its point across.

However, I fall within the camp of believing that much of what is put forth in this article is true. I absolutely fear our government and the tools it uses to keep us where it wants us. I am terrified that The Patriot Act was able to go into effect and make this country a de facto police state. I am pissed that single payer health care was clearly so important to the majority of Americans and yet didn't make it into our health care bill.

The truth is, for years I have been saying that I would love to live in Europe, that I don't own a home because I want the freedom to pack up and move to Spain tomorrow, and that one day I will retire to a villa in Tuscany. This article makes a good argument for getting out before it's too late.

Comments (4)

Good call Pearl, Though I don't read these as often as some, I still find the info. very valuable.

I agree with you that I don't like it when my side starts using the same bullshit tactics as the other side. After all, if I feel I'm right, why do I have to resort to the methods the other side uses to push their wrong views?

(By the way; most of western Europe doesn't have a single-payer plan, and neither does Japan; they have managed, regulated insurance systems, and require insurers to be non-profit. Very few countries have single payer plans, mostly former British colonies.)

While I clearly have a different viewpoint than you do, I can understand some of the points laid out here, and respect your opinions. I will agree that this country is severely flawed. I just have one point to suggest as well. If it is so entirely reprehensible, then why do people climb, swim, jump, and take whatever means necessary to get here on a daily basis? I don't here of the mass exodus of people going to any other country like they do here. And while it is my opinion that our principles can (and must) get back to the framework that our founders intended, this country is still a beacon of hope to emigrants the world over, and still the 'land of opportunity'; even if that is the opportunity to kill yourself with your choices of diet, or to apathetically vote into office incumbent representatives that choose to do what they want instead of representing those who put them in office. This country IS screwed up. But I'll take a screwed up America over any other country any day. Just my $.02 for the day. Take it or leave it. That's your choice. God Bless America for it, too.

I think I'm in Kyle's camp with this one too. United States has some serious flaws, but the grass is always greener, right? I mean, we are a big country, full of so much beauty and thoughtful, kind people. We have rights and systems in place that many only dream of. I think I would enjoy living in some other countries, but here isn't so bad; there are much worse places than the United States.

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