Is Obama saving the economy?


Thanks to David Lacy of the in-development syndicate tentatively named iPinion Syndicate (and slated to feature yours truly as a contributor - shameful self-promotion, I know) for the head's up.

MSNBC claims that 'Obamanomics' is working.

I find myself having a hard time even pronouncing that word. Say it with me now: "O-ba-man-no-mics."

As for me, I was one of those early ship-jumpers who became disenchanted with Obama when he showed what I believed to be his true colors during his first year. I have been *slightly* revived with his step toward repealing the Don't Ask Don't Tell Policy and with the success of the health care bill (though for me, without a public option, it wasn't the success I had hoped for).

Still, I am not yet convinced. I fear Obama is another Herbet Hoover, when I was really hoping he was our next Roosevelt.

I am also loathe to trust what the corporate media has to say regarding the recovery of the economy. I fear the media is telling us that it is recovering in an effort to make us spend money out of a false belief that it is recovering. If we believe it's recovering, we'll be more likely to spend than save, and as a result the economy will in fact recover. Sort of a reverse-catch-22.

Still, whether or not the economy is actually recovering is an important point for unemployed Americans and therefore for This Unemployed Life. As with Obama in general, I'll believe it when I see it. And as always, this blog takes a stance, but encourages you to form your own opinions.

So what do you think? Is 'Obamanomics' working?

Comment (1)

Is it just me, or was that article 60% correlation and 10% causation, with another 30% speculation on what it might mean?

"Obama's said these things! And he's got these people! And some things are improving! Which is kinda like Clinton! Which might mean ithe improvements are Obama's doing, and business somehow knows it (although the media can't)!

"Oh, and there might be some evidence that the stimulus package had an effect in two things we're not really going to dwell upon. Whatevs."

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