1/4 of Unemployed Are Young People


Thanks to Demos for the head's up.

According to a report released today by the Economic Policy Institute, America's young workers account for 26.4 percent of unemployed workers, even though they make up 13.5 percent of the overall labor force.

Tula Connell, in a blog for AFL CIO, has this to say:

"The Kids Aren’t Alright" also describes the unique challenges facing jobless young workers, those between the ages of 16 and 24. With no prior work history, many lack a safety net of personal savings and do not qualify for unemployment insurance. Workers under age 35 also have more debt, relative to assets, than any other age group."

Well, I can certainly speak to that last point. With $130,000 in student loan debt, about $10,000 in credit card debt, and the only asset to my name being my 10-year-old car with a blue book value of about $3,500, I do believe I am the example of which Ms. Connell speaks.

Good luck to us, youth of America! Between the sheer number of us out there, baby boomers still working and unable to retire in this economy, the catch-22 that you can't get experience until you've got experience, no savings, and a high debt-to-assets ratio, it's no wonder we're the first generation not expected to do better than our parents!

I've said it once and I'll say it again: now is the time to follow your dreams! Financial security may not be within your grasp, at least not any time soon, so why on earth would you not be doing what you love???!!!

Comments (4)

Uhh the break down regarding you're financial situation is HILARIOUS... god I love you. The piece itself was very brief and to the point. I like it! I actually learned something today....I don't usually ever read these types of STATs. They are too depressing, however it is always good to get an eye and ear full once in awhile... just to remind us of what is on our plate...


I am speechless. Unemployment by race is a breathtaking indicator. I hope we rise to our greater angels so that despair and economic frustration doesn't fuel further racism.

Also, saw that McCain is in a struggle to stay in his own elected office... He was almost president and he too, might soon be unemployed.

Your post is eye opening. Thanks

a very important point siv, and thanks for the (h/t).

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